Dating After Divorce: The One That Stepped Up His Game (#Spurs)

& now we've hit my current dating life.

I met #Spurs online. No, not a dating app. I'm not above them, just not my thing. We have a mutual friend in common and he took the chance at reaching out to me.

I almost declined the friend request immediately because I was just tired.

Instead I messaged my girlfriend to see what was up with this guy. I received all positive feedback so I clicked "accept". What could it hurt?

He immediately scored brownie points by not initiating the conversation with "Hey Beautiful/Gorgeous/Sexy". Or sending d*ck pics. Or asking for nudes. 

We chatted for about a week, he learned I liked sports and was into baseball so he asked if I wanted to catch a game. I said yes, really thinking nothing of it. He lives in San Antonio, I live in Houston. No way is he going to drive all the way over here just to have a date with me. 

He drove to Houston to have date with me. We stayed sober and stayed up until 4am chatting and watching TV. 

I drove up to San Antonio the next time and we went to Six Flags and had a blast. I hadn't been to an amusement park in such a long time! & there weren't any awkward silences when we were waiting for our time slots for our next rides. Who knew that was possible. We stayed sober this weekend as well.

Here's what I'm learning (the positives):
-I can connect with someone & us stay completely sober & we still have fun.
-I deserve to be with someone who thinks of me when planning activities, just as I'll think of them.
-I deserve to be with someone who isn't afraid to think about the future. Whether it is months away, or ya know the weekend that's just a couple days away. I don't have to hear "that's too far out." or "f*ck plans."
-Not every guy is allergic to cats. & when they really like you and know your cat isn't just a pet, they'll make sure that your kitty is just as comfortable as you are. He purchased the essentials that Angel would need so that when I travel to San Antonio, Angel comes with me.
-I can find someone who believes in being the best version of yourself everyday and setting an example for those around you and actually lives the lifestyle.
-There are guys out there that want to do more than just drink. They enjoy the outdoors with you, nature hikes, gardens, sports, tailgating, and like the nerdy things like museums, zoos and art exhibits.
-There's someone I like that I actually wanted to bring home to Mom & Dad and didn't have to question how their behavior might be. I didn't feel the need to be overprotective of my parents.

Here's what I'm learning (the red flags):
-He's a Dallas Cowboys Fan
-He's a Spurs Fan
-He's a Texas Rangers Fan
-He's not a University of Houston Cougar!

Hopefully you caught that the above is written completely in humor. But my goodness we couldn't be more opposite with the teams we support if we tried! 

Here's what I'm thankful for during this time:
The calmness and comfort level between the two of us.
Angel and #Spurs love each other. Last time I was there Angel fell asleep in #Spur's arms and even had his little paw on his neck.
I love that we can talk about any subject and neither of us is afraid to tell the other that we have no idea what they're talking about, and we don't feel dumb about it.
We both feel like we can be ourselves 100% and we embrace each other's quirks and try to understand how each other came to be in this exact moment.
We have both done personal development and therapy, therefore are well educated in healthy behaviors and how to treat others with clear boundaries and respect.

...this story is still being written. :)

Until next time. XO,

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