Five on Friday: DCPA, Date Nights, Cacti, Roses

Heyyyyyyyy! Happy Weekend! 

So this past week I've been creating my own planner. I love my bullet journal but it's not currently working for me. I need something that I can move pages around, add in pages, and add in journaling pages when I want to... I like what I currently have, but once I've got it just how I like it I'll share it with you. My little planner/Type A heart is all kinds of happy right now. 

Let's get started with today's Five! 


My parents graduated last week from the Dickinson Police Department Citizen's Police Academy (DCPA) and I couldn't be more proud. I loved seeing their friends show up and support them. This was a big deal. They're well known in their community and I'm happy to see them become a bigger more engaged part of it. They even joined the alumni organization!

Of course, everyone is asking when I'm going to do it, but that's about a 50mi + commute for me to attend a class mid-week! We will see. Maybe I'll join one that is local to my current community.


You've been hearing about #Spurs lately, and now you finally get to see him. ;) Next week you'll get to "meet" him. This guy had the best weekend planned for us. I really wish I would have taken more photos. Since we will be spending more time in each other's cities I was thinking about doing little series covering the places that we pick to explore and show off our cities...

Friday evening he took me to Hotel Emma which is stunning! They have a beautiful library inside along with a gorgeous bar, which has a large whiskey selection. If you like the glam industrial vibe, you need to visit.

Afterwards we went to La Gloria for margaritas, I mean dinner... & I'm pretty sure I stopped listening after margaritas but the outdoor area was so pretty. Like heart eyes pretty & the evening wasn't too humid. The food was delish & I needed a friend to come help me finish my margarita!


I'm a sucker for graffiti/colorful walls and the next place he took me to has the famous I love you tacos so much wall!!!!! Eep!


Saturday we went to the Japanese Gardens, which is so so so pretty! Then we headed off to the San Antonio Botanical Garden where they had a whole area of nothing but cacti and an entire walking trail of cacti. I was in heaven! I'm pretty sure we explored every trail they had, we almost died of allergies in one area and we were so exhausted by the end of the day.


On Wednesday I was surprised with a special delivery to my office. I've never received just because flowers before. They're so pretty and smell amazing! I also had chocolates and bath stuff. I'm becoming so spoiled!

One last thing! I'm hosting an online Tupperware party. I lurve containers and all things kitchen, so I thought I would share with my friends too. If you're interested in joining, click here. The group is private so nothing will show up in your timeline. :) 

See y'all next week! Enjoy the long weekend!


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