One Year Of Living On My Own

I find it fitting that National Margarita Day marks one year of living on my own post-separation+divorce. My friends know that I can hardly resist a good margarita!

Last year I started moving into my apartment on this very day. My Dad and his friend moved all the heavy stuff right away and then my best friend and I started moving all the little things. There were so many trips for what little I was taking with me! Then again, our moving vehicles were a Mini Cooper and a Jetta!

We took a break for lunch to meet up with #CarGuy at Torchy's. It was just supposed to be a taco and a margarita, then back to moving. Yea, we were drunk in no time. It was National Margarita Day! I even bought an entertainment center that night and didn't remember what I bought the next day. It was a fun and memorable day nonetheless.

I'll admit, I was scared shitless to live on my own. I never had before, sure I had major adult financial responsibilities earlier than anyone else I know. But, I had never lived on my own. I went from my parents house, to living with my ex-husband. I was on my own for the first time, at 32.

Originally I was going to move out in December of 2016, but when it came down to it I was paralyzed & couldn't stop throwing up when I would try to do anything. This would be why I lost 40lbs during the separation phase. I think what made this move easier and doable was in December, no one knew, I didn't have much support. By February 2017, my friends and family knew about my plans for divorce and supported me 100%. I started forming my support group, and let me tell you, they were my strength!

The photo above is from the night my bed was delivered just a couple days after moving in. I was so excited! It was nothing fancy, a $500 mattress with bed-frame included, but I finally had a place to rest my head. I had been sleeping on the couch for months prior to the separation, so sleeping in my new bed was Heaven on Earth. Imagine slipping into bed with freshly washed sheets, now magnify that feeling times a hundred. 

A few months later I ordered a bed-frame from Wayfair (obsessed with this app!) and picked up some cute decorative pillows from Target!

I have an obsession with maps and globes, so I ordered a tapestry from Amazon to hang in my living room. It really made my place feel like it was mine.

I'm so happy that my first place felt like home immediately, and it took my little furnuggets no time at all to settle in.

In this home, I learned that I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for & I can't hang anything without adding numerous holes in the wall, no matter how many names I measured! I hosted my parents for dinners, had girls nights and sleepovers with my bestie, hosted family for lunches, and took time to care for myself. Nights cuddled up on the couch with a candle lit, a good book and my furbabes in my lap, those were my favorite. This place was my sanctuary.

It wasn't all happy moments in my new home, there were many breakdowns, days/nights lying on the kitchen/bedroom floor thinking I was never going to make it through this. Days I didn't think I could get out of bed. It was all just a part of the grieving process, with time, and with a strong support group surrounding me those days/nights became less and less.

Now, my place is slowly being packed up and I'll soon have my second home. I hope I love it just as much.

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  1. I am so proud of you! You have grown so much this past year! You are strong and I can not wait to see how much more your grown in the coming years!

    1. Thanks Nikki! I can't wait to see what's to come! :)
