Meet Celia

Hello! I'm Celia, the face behind Celia Brews It Over. I'm so excited to be back home in the blogging community.

I'm a 33 year old furmomma to one tuxedo, Angel. I work full time as a Project Coordinator for a German pipe trading company and love every minute of it.

In 2017 amidst my divorce I started bullet journaling, all I was looking for was to disconnect from my phone and a better "planner" when my best-friend introduced me to the community. I'm in love with it and have picked up hand lettering, doodling, and actually journaling my days in some instances. Journaling is therapeutic for me, if I'm ever feeling anxious or overwhelmed all I have to do is sit with my journal for a bit and I feel everything completely lift off.

I'm a mental health advocate, and certified in Mental Health First Aid, a program that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders in your community.

I love to read, mostly personal development books and autobiographies. Every now and then a fiction book will draw me in. 

Coffee dates, happy hours, & craft nights in with my girl friends and cousins are my favorite. You'll also catch me spending a lot of time with my parents, who live on a ranch, have a million cats, a couple cows, chickens + roosters and a sweet senior lab.

I'm a part of the dragon boating community, and have competed on and off for the last 3 years. I'm hoping 2018 will be my comeback year!

Hiking became a big part of my 2017, it was where I could find ultimate peace. Except when I would find myself running into huge spider webs!!! At least my heart got a good workout. 

In the Fall you can find me with the Code Red Tailgaters & our sponsor Nine Banded Whiskey cheering on the University of Houston Cougars. Baseball is my second favorite sport, there's nothing better than a sunny Sunday afternoon, baseball and a cold beverage.

I want to travel to every corner of the world. I love adventure, meeting new people, and having my eyes opened to other cultures. At the end of the day, we really aren't all that different.

I have dreams of becoming a self-made millionaire. Not so I can buy all the expensive things, but so I can ensure my family is well taken care of and I can help those within my community who just can't seem to catch a break.

I want this blog to bring light to mental health issues, cover the importance of personal development and self care, I'll share some of my favorite skin care items and workouts plus my home life. I'll even share some of my dating/"talking" failures with you, just for comedic purposes. We will talk about the hard stuff sometimes, but we will do it with respect to one another.

So take a seat, grab your favorite coffee or beer & let's enjoy this life adventure together.
