Dating after Divorce: The BEST dating advice I received

I remember talking to my Life Coach one night super upset. I felt so judged by a couple people around me for talking to/dating #DrummerBoy so quickly after I broke things off with #CarGuy.

Sure I had sworn off guys, even said I didn't think I could ever date again. I was solely focusing on myself. But holy crap #DrummerBoy swept me off my feet the night we met and it was so unexpected. I don't believe in pushing away a possible love interest. People come into our lives for a reason, right? 

That night Sally gave me the best advice and it just clicked! If you don't want to date, don't. If you like a guy, go for it. If he screws up... Ok, his loss, back to doing things you like. Don't make it more complex than that.  

Moral of the story was for me to do me, screw what other people thought I should do.

She was excited for me because when I broke things off with #CarGuy I told her immediately my walls went up so high. So when I told her I had met someone she knew that I wasn't completely closing myself off from finding my love again.

Even when things started going south with #DrummerBoy she was my biggest cheerleader. He started to push me away, which I learned in my Al-Anon group is super common. I was upset and she told me "Just let him go. He's pushing you away and that's on him. Nothing to do with you. Those words were just what I needed to hear in that moment.

Sometimes your friends and family can't be there for you, they're too involved. This is where I'm thankful for having my Life Coach. She understood what I needed in that moment.

Rumor has it she's working on a dating book. I can't wait to read that. I've read both of her other books and was laughing all the way through, even had some hard tears on some occasions.

I'll chat more about my personal experience with Life Coaching soon, so be on the look out!


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