Divorce Recovery: My Last Therapy Session

Today was a big day in my divorce recovery process! A huge day! There comes a time that your therapist thinks you're equipped to fly on your own & today I saw my therapist for the last time.

We haven't had much to talk about my last few sessions, but we have had some breakthroughs during them. We made some connections, and discovered why I was and am the way I am. I'll talk more about these soon as I tell you about my journey with my therapist and my life coach.

Today though, today we figured out my anxiety that I've had since '08 wasn't necessarily linked to Hurricane Ike like I had thought. It may have played a small role, but it came on because of my ex-husband and his ways, and living with my ex-father-in-law, who was a functional alcoholic. I didn't know that at the time, it took dating a couple people who have drug/alcohol addictions (I'll fill you in on why addicts are attracted to me soon.) and me getting involved with Al-Anon at the suggestion of my therapist to piece it all together.

I've been seeing my therapist for 8 months, to the date. The time has flown by. It has been 15 months since my separation and 10 months since my divorce was finalized.

Know that every divorce and recovery process is different. There are so many factors that can speed up and slow down your recovery process. I started the process of gaining my strength and diving into personal development 2 years prior to my separation. I also put in a lot of work outside of therapy to ensure that moving forward I am the best version of myself for myself, my friends, my family, and eventually that special someone.

I'll call on my therapist when I need her & likely see her on an annual basis just to check in.

Today's milestone was something I wasn't expecting, but am so very happy for! I texted my support group as soon as I found out!

Until next time.

Abrazos y besitos,


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