The First Valentine's Day After Divorce

Valentine's Day. Some people love it, others hate it. Where do you fall?

I used to roll my eyes at it, but now, I love it. Mainly because all things during this time are red, pink, sparkly, and full of hearts. I love love. & proven by the last two guys I dated, I know what it's like to be treated well.

The only thing I do not like is the pressure and stress that is caused by this day for everything to be perfect. Not to mention some retailers and restaurants hike up their prices.

My Life Coach called me at the beginning of the week to see how I was doing and if there was anything I needed to talk over. My move is all there was to talk about!

My therapist scheduled my session this month to fall the day before Valentine's Day just in case this day would be a trigger for me. I had told her in our last session I didn't feel it would be. My ex-husband and I didn't really celebrate the holiday so it's not like I would be missing a special delivery at work, gifts at home, or a special dinner.

Just as we thought it was just another day. I had a busy day at work and ended up working late. When I got home I hopped into the shower, used my favorite bath and facial products to unwind from the day, then did a few things around my place to prep for some packing for my upcoming move. I ended the night cuddled up on the couch with Angel to watch an episode of our favorite TV show, Greys. Next thing you know, I was in a deep sleep. I even went to bed without dinner, I was that tired!

On my weekly meetup with my best friend I remember telling her "I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I'm single!" Learning to be alone and like it is probably the best gift you can give yourself.

Here are my best do's and don'ts for the day.

Things to do: 
1.) Buy yourself (or send to a single friend) flowers, a present, a card. - I purchased the cutest cards to send out to my best girls, but they came in too late. So, I will save them for next year. I also gifted myself a Tree of Life ring, in rose gold, that I'm in love with.
2.) Plan a long workout - get those endorphins going! Endorphins trigger all those positive feels.
3.) Plan a girls night out (or in) with your single lady friends. - Hello Galentine's Day!
4.) Cook your favorite dinner/Bake your favorite dessert. 
5.) Have your lifeline, life coach, or therapist on speed dial if you feel like this day could be a bad trigger for you.
6.) Gift yourself a spa day/weekend. - There's nothing that puts me in a great mood than some self care!

Things to avoid: 
1.) Contacting/Answering your ex. - Mine is blocked on all phone lines. It's best to cut that cord, it'll help with your healing process. Trust me.
2.) Social media stalking your ex. - Again, mine is blocked on any social media outlets that I know of. No good can come of this.
3.) Establishments that will be full of couples. - although you may be happy for others, sometimes you don't need to risk the possible trigger.

If you fall apart on this day, don't beat yourself up. Lean into your feelings, give yourself a minute to cry it all out, but then pick yourself up and go do something you like.

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