Meet Angel, my tuxedo

Angel is my 17 year old tuxedo. I've had him since he was 4 weeks old.

Angel was discovered by my Mom one morning, she heard a kitten crying and he came out from under her car. His cat mom had abandoned him. We took him to the vet and he told us he was so badly infested with ring worms that had we of waited a day longer, he would have died. I remember spending the last little bit of money I had to buy his medications. This was going to be my cat.

The vet told us he had to be separated from everyone, even humans, because you didn't want the ringworms to spread. I couldn't fathom having this little 4 week old kitten sleeping all by himself while he was sick. I slept with him on my chest in our spare bedroom until he was all better.

Fast forward, he loved my Mom more than me. & he loved my Dad to carry him around the house over his shoulder.

In 2008 when Hurricane Ike hit the Gulf Coast, my family lost everything causing us to split up as a family. Angel was one to come with me.

A couple years ago I found myself rushing Angel to the kitty ER a couple times. His bladder was the size of a softball the first time, and a golf ball the second time. After another small incident 3 different vets recommended we do a Perineal Urethrostomy. You guys I felt like this was the longest recovery period ever. It was scary. I'm happy to report that he recovered nicely and is happy and healthy.

In 2016 I separated from my ex-husband and Angel stayed with me. I swear he knew how badly I was hurting. I felt like him and his companion made it their mission to get me out of bed each day.

Angel has been through lots of life events with me & we are about to pickup our things and create a new and better life for ourselves.

He really is the most perfect cat. He sleeps in my arms every night, and sometimes still tries to fit on my chest. If I don't wake up when he wants to cuddle under the blankets I get a little nip on my arm!

He likes to sit in the sunlight and is obsessed with his Yeowww Catnip toys.

We lost his companion who was 16 years old shortly after Christmas  in 2017 to a blood cot that lodged itself on her spine and caused her to become paralyzed. She was the one that greeted me at the door every night when I came home from work, but now Angel does. Since then he has also become more chatty, but he's currently still mourning her.

We will be okay, just the two of us.


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