Beginning To Tell My Story

One year ago today, I began breaking the trauma bond with my ex husband after being put on medications to simply help me function. I was paralyzed, I shook uncontrollably, I was vomiting, and I couldn't eat. 

I sat in my lawyer’s office at a conference table with him, and for the first time, someone was witness to the man I saw behind closed doors for years. I remember it like it was yesterday, my lawyer was so concerned for my safety that he held me back in hopes that my ex would be long gone by the time I came out. 

I’m here to tell you that if you are in an abusive relationship/marriage, whether it is mental, emotional, or physical, you can get out and there ARE brighter days ahead. 

It won’t be easy, the pain will be worse than anything you’ve ever felt before, but with a strong support system you CAN do it. 

Choosing yourself is okay & necessary.

I'll be talking to you about the years leading up to me breaking away and making the decision to divorce, my experiance with the separation process + divorce process, the importance of a strong support group, using a therapist and life coach + the difference between the two, dating again, discovering who YOU are, and life after divorce. 

Abrazos y Besitos, 


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  1. I’m so proud of you for how far you’ve come and how strong you’ve become! No one should have to stand the abuse.
