Five on Friday: Tacos, Manicures and Workouts

Happy Happy Friday!

Well, I meant to finish up a couple blog posts this week but that didn't happen. I need to work on managing my personal time better. But some days I really do just love laying on my floor, listening to music and cuddling my furbabe!

I did get this post together so we will call it a blogging win!


Torchy's, girl talk, and a little retail therapy solves everything. Ok, maybe it doesn't solve everything but it definitely calms the nerves. If you don't know about the Mad Cow taco from Torchy's secret menu, order it next time you're there! SO good and of course you need The Lorena to wash it all down.

Monday was a day. From someone I was dating suddenly popping back up thinking everything was the same as before after not speaking to me for weeks, to the ATT installation technician being creepy AF and texting me his personal number at the end of the visit after telling me all about his fiance and their upcoming wedding.

If there are any guys reading this:

  • If you're engaged or in a serious relationship, it is not okay for you to give some chick your number because you want to hang out with her. This has nothing to do with jealousy, it's respect. 
  • If you're interested in/dating a girl, let it be known, don't go silent for weeks at a time. It is not our job to chase you. Call me old fashioned, but this girl & my single girls don't chase.


I think I am getting used to this hair and growing into it. I still don't recognize my own reflection though. I put on makeup for the second time this past week since December! Eyelash extensions make me feel completely put together and my skincare routine using my Lush products usually keeps my skin blemish free, soft and glowy.


I did my first TruShine Gel manicure at home over the weekend & I lurve it! I'm excited to be saving money from not going to the salon as much. It was $100 (with tip) each time I visited and manicures lasted between 2-3wks. If you'd like to order your own chat with me first, I can help you get 15% off your orders!


I've worked out 9 days straight and y'all I feel great! I think I'm back on my own workout wagon! & I'm doing it all straight from my living room, unless I want to be a little social and then I hit the gym. But most days I just love being in my own home. Let me know if you'd like to join me. I like a little motivation or friendly challenge!


Be on the lookout for some financial, money saving/money earning tips coming soon! I'm definitely no expert, but I've rebuilt my life from the ground up twice now & I want to share a couple things with you that cost you no time or money to earn little bucks here and there. :)


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