My Second Apartment: I received a WARM welcome...

Happy Monday! I can't believe I'm 99% settled into my new place. All I need to do is hang some items on the walls and buy a couple plants.

My welcome to my new area wasn't exactly what I had expected though.

On Friday and Saturday my parents, my aunt and a couple of my dragon-boat brothers helped move me approximately 50 miles across town. It went as smoothly as I could have asked for.

Saturday morning I woke up early(ish) and planned to grab breakfast before I headed to my old apartment to gather the last of things and make the place squeaky clean. My car was missing! Initially I thought someone stole my car! I used my little clicker in hopes that maybe in all the exhaustion I remembered incorrectly and my car was just in another spot. No luck.

Google to my rescue. There's a number in each area you can call to see if your car has been towed. I called, yes, my car had in fact been towed. I could have let this ruin my day but I thought to myself, at least my car wasn't stolen. My Uber driver had a very similar experience and let me know that this side of town doesn't play around with towing. I had wanted to clean my windshield before I placed my parking sticker on my car, but as soon as I left that tow yard I put my parking sticker on!

The tow yard was another experience. They didn't take me to my car after I paid them my $230 dollars, they just told me to go into the yard and use my clicker to locate my car. I'm thankful I can easily laugh at situations these days.

I already have a couple great memories from my two moving days and I'll cherish those forever and ever. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to surround me.

Sunday I thought I was sore, exhausted and sniffle-y from my move, by Tuesday I learned I had the Flu, Type B. Oh boy. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

I got to know my apartment very well, I chose the correct couches as they are super comfy and perfect for lounging. I've got an amazing day and night poolside view and the breeze is great when I open my balcony door. The guy I'm dating, #DrummerBoy, visited me and even got me down poolside for a little while to get some fresh air.

Today was the first day I woke up with no fever! Here's to healthier days and continuing to love my new place! Oh & no more getting my car towed! Ha!

Abrazos y Besitos!


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  1. Congrats on the move, Celia - moves are always the beginning of something special. Your new place looks amazing. Feel better soon girl & so sorry to hear ab your car - BEEN THERE SO MANY TIMES lol! xx Shannon ||

  2. Oh my goodness I would have thought my car was stolen too! Crazy that they just let you go find your car on your own! Glad you’re starting to feel better!
