Five on Friday: Traveling, Furbabe, Reading, Comfort Zones, Friendship

Good morning! Happy FriYay!!! Things have been getting pretty deep on this blog of mine! Whoo! I promised, I would talk about the hard stuff. We've been talking about it!

How about we lighten things up today? Five on Friday is back! It's been a while, right?!

I've been good, more than good. But I've had my head down, working hard towards my goals, and finally coming up for a breathe of air. I've had most people support me, and only one that took issue with me needing to retreat to work towards my goals. Good riddance. Keep your tribe tight and full of those who fully support you.

Let's get this thang started.


This guy. I couldn't be more lucky to have him in my life. It's like all those things I threw out into the Universe that I wanted in a guy compiled into this amazing human. When I thought I'd had enough the Universe was like "wait! found him!" We had our first real vacation together earlier this month. I'll cover it in its own post. I loved exploring a new city with him. We learned I'm great at figuring out where we need to go, and he's great at actually navigating us there. Team work!


For this trip I couldn't take my little furnugget with us. I was so anxious over this. Who was going to watch him? Could my Mom spend a week with him? What about another family member?
The last time someone offered to watch him they were super inconsistent. & I partially wonder looking back now if they did it on purpose. Which makes me really sad.
From what I've been reading Angel and I are really closely bonded FurMomma+FurBaby. & sometimes cats that are extremely bonded to their owners get separation anxiety. So when they have a sitter they need to be really consistent so they know they haven't been abandoned.
With Angel being 18 I always worry that something is going to upset him and then I am going to lose him. I know he's getting up there and I know the time is coming, but I want to extend that little life of his as much as I can.
I was chatting with a girlfriend of mine that has both dogs and cats and I know she loves her animals just as much as I love my little furnugget. She was telling me about PetSitter apps and I think I actually downloaded the wrong one but I found the most amazing sitter!
This girl was so punctual! The moment the clock struck 730, my phone was ringing for me to open the gates for her. She not only fed and cleaned his litter box, she swept the hard floors, we ended up having some ants and she took it upon herself to clean the area with vinegar and water and by the time I got home we were ant free! She took him out on the balcony and although I paid her for 30min visits. Most of the time she spent about 45mins with him. She gave me detailed reports of his food consumption, litterbox use and overall mood. He got upset a couple times and threw up, and she cleaned the areas. I couldn't even tell he threw up! Her last visit we both showed up at the same time and he greeted us both. He loved his sitter!


This Month's Personal Development book is The Miracle Morning. Y'all it is so so good! I'm not waking up every day as early as I should, but I'm learning new things to incorporate into my morning to ensure I have the best days. I can't wait to finish and share with you my favorite pieces of the book.


My Life Coach had her very first public workshop and y'all it sold out! I was so honored that she asked me to speak on The Benefits of Personal Development and my own personal testimonial working with her. I'll have blog posts on each here soon(ish) and I'll link them back here. Talk about out of my comfort zone though! Whew!


Since the time that I took off to San Antonio back in February and rang up my friend Tori to see if the invitation was still open to crash at her pad we have grown closer. We both have that drive to grow grow grow, to work our asses off towards our dreams and to serve others. We recently learned that we both want to launch our own podcasts! How crazy is that?! Neither of us knew that the other even remotely thought of that!

& that's it for today!

Just counting down the hours until me and the Novio get to see each other!

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