Five on Friday: Tailgate Family, SnapChat, My Hometown,


Our University of Houston Tailgating group, the Code Red Tailgaters, got together this summer for a much needed meetup! Our sponsors Nine Banded Whiskey came out as well and had our signature drink available for us.

Pinkerton's, an establishment owned by a University of Texas alum, hosted us. I have to say each time I've been here the hospitality has been nothing short of amazing & the food is delish as well!


I've been introduced to Jenga & y'all I'm obsessed. I want to play it over and over. I feel like a 3 year old saying again again!


I took #Spurs around my hometown area and he loved it. What made my heart so warm was to see him perk up when he saw water. The water has (almost) always been my calm, so to see him enjoy it so much makes me happy.

We started out at my favorite breakfast place ever in life, the Sunflower Bakery, in Galveston. As always the food did not disappoint. This place has about a half hour wait, and that was the case this time as well. 

We strolled the Strand, drove along the Seawall and then headed back up towards my hometown of Kemah. I showed him my family's property and then we headed to lunch. We were both starved!

#Spurs is pizza obsessed, so much so he has Professional Pizza Eater listed under his IG bio. Haha! I was conflicted if I should take him to a tourist spot or a hometown spot. Given how hot it was, I opted for Boondoggles, the hometown spot, since I knew it would allow us to sit indoors. This place has a wide array of foods and they're all delish + they have a good selection of craft beers and a full bar. If you're not into craft beers they also have your regular selections.

After this we went to the Boardwalk & hopped aboard the Boardwalk Beast. It had been a while since I had ridden this and I was hoping we wouldn't lose our lunch! Luckily we just got pretty soaked and all food remained in our tummies.


Doing the long distance thing can be a little hard, emotionally. I remember one time when #Spurs left I felt super sad. & I hated the way I felt because I told myself I wouldn't feel that way. I knew he lived in San Antonio and I lived in Houston. So basically I had a suck it up, Buttercup talk with myself & I didn't like that my tough love talk with myself didn't work.

When #Spurs came in town the last time it was the greatest thing ever to see Angel acknowledge him to the point that he was talking to him and following him around my apartment like a dog!

One thing I learned in dating was to ask guys if they liked cats, almost immediately. Thankfully #Spurs likes cats, most importantly my Cat, and spoils him as if he is his own.

When #Spurs left, Angel ended up cuddling up with the blanket #Spurs had lounged on my couch with that day. I guess he missed him too.


SnapChat! I still use it! Mainly because the filters are fun and I like to make the bitmjoi mini movies with my friends. Above is my new handle. Since they don't allow you to edit your handle I had to create a whole new one. Rumor has it someone has my old phone number and they're in a dark place in their life. So if you've been seeing that, you're following the wrong account. Mine has mainly been about food and my waistline is yelling at me for it! Ha!

Chat with ya soon! XO,

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