Blogtober Introduction

Hello hello & welcome to Celia Brews it Over!

Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Celia, a mid-thirties furmom navigating life in Houston, TX with love, peace & positivity. I believe everyone should have a therapist and/or life coach and the world would be a better place for it. I've been called the Queen of Self Love + Personal Development, and wear that badge with honor!

By day I run projects for a German pipe trading company and by night I want to do it all! I am currently taking classes for my Real Estate license (if you're looking to buy in a year or two think of me!) , I am a Tupperware lady (YES the stuff your Grandma and Mom used to have is still around) & I dabble in some health and fitness products with M.Global (the GO stiks are my JAM!)

I'm not much of a TV person, in fact I much prefer to read, listen to an audio book, listen to podcasts, or journal with music in the background. I've been known not to turn on my TV for weeks.

I love to be active. Hiking became a big thing for me in 2017, but I quickly learned that hiking in Houston vs hiking anywhere with any type of incline is very different!

I believe you can choose to be a victim to life events, or you can choose to rise up and be a warrior. Choose to be a damn Warrior, ladies.

I'm in a long distance relationship with this 10. & learning slowly, but surely, what it means to be fully supported & in a healthy relationship.

See ya tomorrow!

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